Programs / Linear OSC Controller for Resolume Arena/Avenue
You only have to hit "Enter" during your show! ... Or Space if you are used to that ;)
New in V2:
LTC / SMPTE column launch syncronisation with SMPTE learn in Automation Aid
MTC (Midi time code) cue launch with learn in Automation Aid
Clip launch logger
Easy scene edit with mouse RightClick on scene text
fully transferable offline license
UI translations
save composition with updated scene names
show bypassed scenes, so you can enable them on the fly.
Main feautres:
Remote control your Resolume Media Servers form anywhere on same Lan or even thru the internet.
Failover backup connections for clients.
Create timeline using Auto launch
Auto launch Scene at time of day
Auto launch next Scene in set time or beats
Auto launch thru Decks
Auto launch aid, to measures time(beats) between launches, record-apply automation editing.
Automation range for easy and fast batch automations.
Jump to scene/column/bookmark
Colorize your important cues
Relaunch feature
Pure Relay Mode to run Resolume instances in sync (master/slaves) from Resolume UI
Clip / composition collector integrated, provides full backup / archive including effects and ffgl dll-s, screen setup
connection monitoring to clients
controllable via third party OSC app (phone, tablet)
controllable via Midi
auto set transition time
auto set transition blend
auto set bpm
remote switch deck
remote tap tempo
remote pause
remote resync
playback speed pitch bend
control multiple remote clients
works with presentation clicker (PageUp/PageDown), buttons can be reassigned now.
resizeable UI
Supported operating systems:
Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X
Download v2 (version 2.42 ) for Windows or for Mac
Older versions (see changelog)For key administration and transfer click here
Please register and log in to Buy a license for 23900 HUF (about 62EUR)
If you would like to buy in bulk, please contact me for the bulk prices, and discounts
No Refunds, try before Buy.

Setup is fairly simple.
Run the installer, then look at Preferences, the default target address is localhost( and the default ports are pre set.
Activate as many target clients as you like.
In preferences there are 10 clients, if you need more edit config.xml manually
Open Resolume, and go to Preferences/OSC.
On all of the target clients you have to acitvate OSC in and out with the respecting ports, deactivate Bundles, and set the IP address to the controllers IP.(when running on the same machine this is
You have reverse controlling ability in the controller from the first target only.
And don't forget to allow communicatons for Controller on windows firewall, or else you won't be able to control remote Resolume.

Demo will work for 8 minutes each time you start the program.
A composition file is included in the download, to demonstrate examples of the main functions.
V2 keys are fully transferable and only need Internet connection on registering. TRY before Buy!
Shortly after payment You will recieve a registration key to the email account from where the payment was sent.
The key is generated by hand, I'll do my best to send it to you as soon as possible. (I live in Central Europe.)
If you didn't receive the key in 24-48 hours check your SPAM folder before contacting me.
Payments are not refundable after You recieved the registration key! TRY before Buy!
Would like to upgrade to v2 from a v1 Online key? That's also possible in the key administration page (the v1 won't accept the key any more!)
You can contact me on with any questions or suggestions.
Please read the readme.txt carefully for usage instructions.
Here is a TouchOSC template which shows you the cue names, and 6 decks. Edit the "login" button osc address /login/YourPassword" value as you need it. Reload.

pitchbending in v7
new Resolume version compatibility
Resolume version auto detection
IP detection fix
Closed decks fix
Server connection certificates
Option to hide cue indexes
BPM received from v7 is not correct
2.38 :
Computer ID and registration check can fail on new macOS
2.37 :
Preferences won't open on some machines
2.36 :
click here to see more...
pitchbending in v7
new Resolume version compatibility
Resolume version auto detection
IP detection fix
Closed decks fix
Server connection certificates
Option to hide cue indexes
BPM received from v7 is not correct
2.38 :
Computer ID and registration check can fail on new macOS
2.37 :
Preferences won't open on some machines
2.36 :
click here to see more...