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Linear OSC Controller for Resolume Arena/Avenue
You only have to hit "Enter" during your show!
Supported operating systems:
Microsoft Windows
Mac OS X
Download version 2.41 for Windows or for Mac
Please register and log in to Buy a license for 23900 HUF (about 63EUR)
If you would like to buy in bulk, please contact me for the bulk prices, and discounts
No Refunds, try before Buy.
Unused columns cleanup - ver 0.2
fixed: old backup got overwritten if existed, now a new one is created with a random number in the file name.
Download for Mac
Download for Windows
Clickable Timeline for Resolume<
Download for Mac
Download for Windows
Wire patches
I make these for use in Resolume Arena / Resolume Wire.DMX helper for Resolume 7.4 and later - Wire version
This patch also uses user input to generate an image, that you can map in Advanced Output to your DMX fixtures
Choose how many Fixtures you have, set their channel count,
Set or animate 32 channels of data.
Download patch
Clip time display
Ever needed to show a musician on stage when a clip ends?
This patch can display the clip's transport time information.
Set the Clip Time parameter to be animated to Clip position.
Now you have an overlay of the clip's remaining / duration /elapsed time.
The time value is a good estimation, it will follow the clip speed, and will work with backwards playing clips too.
You can also have the position sent out via OSC, with a custom OSC address.
OSC output uses the Resolume OSC output settings.
Works with Resolume 7.4 and later
Get it in the JuiceBar shop.
Slice feather
Creates soft bounds for slices.
Supports the base functions of slice transform, and when swithced to Color mode,
you can make snapshots of it, to make png masks,
or use it on Masking Layers and crossfade between it''s multiple instances.
Works with Resolume 7.4 and later
Get it in the JuiceBar shop.
Fancy Shadow
Creates interesting multi colored shadows
Works with Resolume 7.4 and later
Get it in the JuiceBar shop.
Quartz composer patches
I make these for use in Resolume Arena.DMX helper for Resolume - Quartz version
This patch uses user input to generate an image, that you can map in Advanced Output to your DMX fixtures
Choose how many Fixtures you have, set their channel count,
Set or animate 512 channels of data.
Download patch
Read the included readme.txt!
TextBeatSync - Display text lines beat synced
Input your text lines into the string parameter separated by the given separator, then animate the next_line_signal.
When the next_line_signal gets to the maximum value, the next line is shown.
The actual line number resets on launch of the clip.
Download patch
TextBeatSync v2.: Made some refinements to the next-line signal evaluation, and also added a timeline parameter which you can animate.
If the Timeline is smaller than 0.1 then the line index is reset to the first, so you can use this parameter in one shot timeline animated
to have the first line displayed on clip start/relaunch.
The next line signal has to be animated to move to the right (looped and ascending, which is default in Resolume),
if the signal moves to the left ie is smaller value than before then the next line is displayed.
Download v2 patch
FaderStarter for Resolume
A little program for enabling FaderStart for clips in Resolume
Works via OSC on localhost, set OSC input port to 7000, output port to 7001
Download for mac Download for win
OSC Bouncer
A little processing sketch for Sending back OSC to the sender
Download here
Resolume composition examples
One button bump - pure resolume
The bump is assigned to the X key, have a look at the composition key mapping and you'll get the idea for midi.
One bump on key press, one bump on key release.
Download composition
Vj footage: