Open ;; 1
Save As ;; 2
Reload ;; 3
Reset ;; 4
CompCollector ;; 5
RelayMode ;; 6
Preferences ;; 7
B ;; 8
ff ;; 9
Midi ;; 10
Automation ;; 11
aAid ;; 12
MTC ;; 13
SMPTE ;; 14
info ;; 15
BPM ;; 16
Reset Deck ;; 17
Blackout ;; 18
END ;; 20
next ;; 21
Open a composition ;; 22
Save the edited composition ;; 23
Reload composition ;; 24
Send reset sequence to Resolume ;; 25
Composition Collector ;; 26
Relay mode - run Master/Slave Resolume ;; 27
Edit program preferences ;; 28
Show bypassed scenes ;; 29
FastFinish transition ;; 30
External midi control ;; 31
Scene Autolaunch en/disable ;; 32
Automation Aid record ;; 33
Midi timecode syncronisation ;; 34
SMPTE - LTC timecode syncronisation ;; 35
Open readme ;; 36
BPM ;; 37
next ;; 38
global transition time ;; 39
Load deck ;; 40
Scene(cue) ;; 41
will launch in ;; 42
Beats ;; 43
bars ;; 44
number format exception ;; 45
Please switch off Bundles in Resolume! ;; 46
Scheduled launch happened ;; 47
Reloading... ;; 48
File went missing! ;; 49
File went missing, choose another! ;; 50
Composition file lost, using loaded version! ;; 51
Trying to open last used composition: ;; 52
Config lost! Using defaults ;; 53
already in use? ;; 54
Cannot bind to address:port! Port ;; 55
please open a composition ;; 56
XML file parse Error! ;; 57
Aid: automation aid enabled, waiting for first launch ;; 58
Automation aid disabled ;; 59
Aid: automation aid enabled and counting ;; 60
Aid ;; 61
scene ;; 62
column ;; 63
launch after ;; 64
beats ;; 65
Recording empty! ;; 66
Cancel ;; 67
Time (ms) ;; 68
Beats (rounded) ;; 69
Beats ;; 70
SMPTE Timecode ;; 71
Midi timecode ;; 72
Choose which way to apply automation ;; 73
Applying automation ;; 74
no valid Timecode available yet! ;; 75
Changing ;; 76
name to ;; 77
New version is available to download ;; 78
this version is from the future ;; 79
You are running the latest version ;; 80
waiting for save to finish ;; 81
Error opening SMPTE source ;; 82
Demo Expired! waiting for Collect to finish. ;; 83
Demo expired, please visit ;; 84
for information about buying this software ;; 85
Can't load source composition! ;; 86
This will take a lot of time. ;; 87
You should choose an empty directory for collect. ;; 89
Media files will be collected ;; 90
When existing media files are found with the same name, the new file will get a unique name ;; 91
Same name files will be copied only once ;; 92
using Relative paths in composition file ;; 93
using Absolute paths in composition file ;; 94
Media Files will NOT be collected! ;; 95
ffgl sources and effect dlls will be collected ;; 96
.dll files will be copied only once ;; 97
To use collected composition dlls you have to add the created plugin directories to Resolume VST/ffgl plugin directory lists ;; 98
ffgl sources and effect dlls will NOT be collected ;; 99
Would You Like to Proceed with composition collection? ;; 100
select as destination folder for collect ;; 101
OK, ready to collect to ;; 102
Saving rewrited composition file ;; 103
starting to copy ;; 104
files ;; 105
new files in ;; 106
Finished Collecting ;; 107
you should have ;; 108
including the composition .avc ;; 109
key changing ;; 110
error, try again ;; 111
Saving Composition file ;; 112
demo ;; 113
No connection to ;; 114
in the last ;; 115
seconds ;; 116
Pure relay mode to slave clients enabled ;; 117
higly experimental! ;; 118
Using whitelist for brigde from file. ;; 119
Using blacklist for brigde from file. ;; 120
Using default whitelist for brigde. ;; 121
Using default blacklist for brigde. ;; 122
blacklist read error ;; 123
whitelist read error ;; 124
Listen Address ;; 125
master is the first enabled client in preferences ;; 126
slaves are ;; 127
Please enable some clients to be slaves in Preferences! ;; 128
loading deck ;; 129
please wait ;; 130
deck timeout ;; 131
deck ready ;; 132
Collecting ;; 133
clips remaining ;; 134
There was an error during collecting, check log for more info. ;; 135
Shutting down ... ;; 136
waiting for save to finish ;; 137
Select composition file to Save to ;; 138
Saving Composition file ;; 139
Composition saved ;; 140
No autoAid recording yet ;; 141
file_open_error ;; 142
Can't log out from server! Check internet connection! ;; 143
Talking to registration server failed! Is your internet connection working? ;; 144
Opening AutoAid recordings Folder ;; 145
Opening midi device failed! ;; 146
error during settings save, do you have Admin rights to ;; 147
Thanks for helping development by sending your log!\n You can disable it in preferences after registration. ;; 148
OSC Remote ip and port are the same as a Clients ! ;; 149
Set a different port for your remote if sending from a CLient! ;; 150
OSC Remote on localhost can't have the same port as Controller ! ;; 151
Set a different port for your remote, or 0 to disable feedback! ;; 152
OSC Remote logged in: ;; 153
OSC Remote sent ;; 154
Remote switched deck to empty deck ;; 155
Choose Language ;; 156
Program Preferences ;; 157
Automation ;; 158
Clients ;; 159
Clicker Setup ;; 160
IP address ;; 161
Machine ID ;; 162
Midi Input ;; 163
Disable Midi Input! ;; 164
Base C ;; 165
Program options ;; 166
Keep window always on top ;; 167
Controller listen port ;; 168
may need program restart to take effect! ;; 169
Accepted Remote (your phone) for any ;; 170
Remote port (0 for just listen) ;; 171
Remote pasword ;; 172
Window zoom(10-50, default is 20)) ;; 173
Show Scenes in background ;; 174
send email on Schedule event to: ;; 175
transport control enabled (play pause resync) ;; 176
scroll control enabled ;; 177
scroll adjust +/- ;; 178
transitiontime relay enabled ;; 179
ignore midi on startup ;; 180
force finish transition on Prev/Next ;; 181
open last file on startup ;; 182
send log file to help development ;; 183
Composition Collector options: ;; 184
copy same name files with unique names ;; 185
try to rewrite paths in composition ;; 186
Collect media files ;; 187
Collect effect and source files(ffgl, dll) ;; 188
ASCII filenames for max filesystem compatibility ;; 189
try to collect Advanced Output Setup ;; 190
Register ;; 191
Unregister ;; 192
Program is registered ;; 193
Program is not registered ;; 194
IP ;; 195
Name ;; 196
Port ;; 197
master ;; 198
client ;; 199
Failover ;; 200
activated ;; 201
Connection check interval (0 to disable) ;; 202
Enable Clicker ;; 203
Automation options ;; 204
Adjust transition time for shorter Autolaunch ;; 205
automation follows cursor ;; 206
automation enabled on startup ;; 207
Clip automation on clip loop ;; 208
Experimental! ;; 209
keep automation running on deck switch ;; 210
keep AutoRange thru Decks (reload comp. if changed!) ;; 211
show recording when autoAid finished ;; 212
round autoAid Beats ;; 213
disabling automation disables MTC launch ;; 214
Attach MTC display to main window ;; 215
Disabling automation disables SMPTE Launch ;; 216
Attach SMPTE display to main window ;; 217
Input SampleRate ;; 218
Select SMPTE source ;; 219
SMPTE options ;; 220
MTC options ;; 221
Running in Bootcamp on a Mac ;; 222
Use relative path in new composition ;; 223
Click one of the buttons below to assing your Presentation Clicker key! ;; 224
waiting for ;; 225
key , or hit DEL to unAssign ;; 226
Cancel assigning ;; 227
Allow receiving clicker actions when in background. (native keyboard hook) ;; 228
Allow multiple assignment of one button. ;; 229
Clicker buttons will affect the active window if its keys are mapped to a function! ;; 230
Have you enabled Controller in Accessibility options? ;; 231
Working :) ;; 232
Not working:( ;; 233
Program is registered ;; 234
Program is not registered ;; 235
Server Unreachable ;; 236
Internal error Saving Key ;; 237
error 1 ;; 238
Key Error ;; 239
Success ;; 240
error 2 ;; 241
got languages, reloading ;; 242
trying to get file ;; 243
Download current language pack ;; 244
Composition file empty, try another. ;; 245
Controller already running. Exiting! ;; 246
Close ;; 247
info ;; 248
Program Settings ;; 249
Clients ;; 250
Trying to register native keyboard hook ;; 251
keyboardhook already registered ;; 252
Keyboard hook registered ;; 253
Keyboard hook not reegistered ;; 254
Waiting for Collect to finish. ;; 255
Name of Scene ;; 256
Copy ;; 257
Paste ;; 258
Cut ;; 259
Select all ;; 260
transition time ;; 261
playback control ;; 262
jump to ;; 263
bypass scene ;; 264
Autorange End ;; 265
Autorange Start ;; 266
Keep Auto ;; 267
Autoplay on Clip end ;; 268
Scheduled launch ;; 269
set BPM ;; 270
set bookmark ;; 271
bookmark ;; 272
disabled ;; 273
play ;; 274
ms ;; 275
scene ;; 277
Edit Scene ;; 278
column ;; 279
pause ;; 280
layer ;; 281
None ;; 282
autolaunch ;; 283
enable clip logging ;; 284
clipLogger ;; 285
Show Column number in list instead of Scene index ;; 286
deck ;; 287
Launch first scene if deck switch finished ;; 288
Select transition blend ;; 289
Select layers ;; 290
Reload composition when modified externally ;; 291
individual transition times ;; 292
set times ;; 293
disable global transition time ;; 294
use Spacebar as Next ;; 295
Try to prevent App Nap ;; 296
failed ;; 297
File exists! Do you want to replace it? ;; 298
resync ;; 299
Choose Scene source ;; 300
Live Mode ;; 301
Live mode - no need to load-save a composition, works only with R6 ;; 302
Preparing Cue list, please wait a few seconds ;; 303
default ;; 304
Bottom Layer ;; 305
Top Layer ;; 306
Column Name ;; 307
Scene Color ;; 308
Allow 24h+ time codes ;; 309
Clean non ASCII characters from Cue names ;; 310
Hide Cue indexes ;; 311